Logo Design Color Psychology

We use colour to your advantage

When we see colors, we connect with them instantly. It's subliminal. No one can be sure if our reactions are pure instinct or if our socialization shapes them, but the reactions are very real.


The human mind is hardwired to respond to color. Our subconscious turns colors into messages.


We know about that powerful connection between consumers and color. We've seen the reams of research. We know that colour can influence opinions in less time than it takes to blink an eye. It's not just "ivory tower" research, either. Real world actions prove the link. Companies have learned that even a slight change in colour scheme or addition of a different hue can result in big sales increases. Colour is a big part of effective logo design.


When we see colors, we react right away. It happens faster than we can read a single word. In fact, the mind makes colour connections and forms opinions before the conscious mind even knows what we are looking at!. A logo is the most repeated and frequently displayed symbol of your business. It's on your letterhead, your website, business cards, products and more. It's your "brand" and it's an inseparable part of your business.


Your logo is you.


Think about the importance of your logo and the power of color. It's obvious: colour psychology should play a huge role in logo design.

If you overlook the colour choices in your logo, you might be "turning off" possible customers instead of attracting new buyers. Using colour psychology to your advantage isn't easy. You can look at a simple chart that lists common colors and explains what they tend to represent one is even included with this article just to give you some ideas. Doing that, however, only scratches the surface of what using colour psychology can do.


We go beyond those simple colour connections. We combine that information and with knowledge of negative colour connotations. We also understand how people react to different combinations of colors. We can create the right colour scheme and merge the messages of colour psychology with great design skills.


The result? An unforgettable logo design that will send the right message in an instant!

Today, many of us are in love with the "do it yourself" plan. We think that if we do a little research and work hard, we can do things just as effectively as any pro. That might be true in some cases, but logo design is a perfect example of when you really need an expert's help.


We understand logo design on every level. We recognize the power of various forms and create logos designs that sizzle. We have the skills and knowledge that produce winning logos that scream "professionalism."


The wise use of colour psychology is a perfect example of how the talents and knowledge of a professional logo design specialist can make a lot of difference. We know how to choose colors to communicate your message effectively. Moreover, you don't risk the mistakes "do it yourselfers" often commit.


If you are in the market for logo design, consult with us and watch us use the science of colour psychology to your advantage!


Colour Psychology Basics


Here are some of the most frequently used colors and the positive messages they communicate. As noted, this basic chart isn't comprehensive. It doesn't list negative associations and it doesn't discuss the best ways to combine colors. However, it is an interesting introduction to colour psychology. When we work our logo design magic, we bring even more to the table.


BLACK: Mystery, secrecy, tradition.

BLUE: Power, calmness, success, trustworthiness.

BROWN: Earth and nature, simplicity, seriousness.

GREEN: Harmony, health and healing, nature and animals, money.

ORANGE: Affordability, fun, youth, creativity, celebration.

PURPLE: Fantasy and dreams, justice, royalty.

RED: Excitement, action, adventure, love, passion, food.

WHITE: Simplicity, cleanliness, innocence.

YELLOW: Cheerfulness, playfulness, curiosity, amusement.



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