Logo Design Options

Pick the best for you

When it's time to put concept on paper, you need to make one major decision. You have to decide what type of logo yours is going to be. There are three main classifications of logo types so check the following sections on the types of logo designs available and what will suit your company best.

Say What You Do: Text Logo

It makes sense that if you want people to remember your company and what you do, you tell them exactly what your company does. Text-based logos are the primary choice for most companies. These text logos involve the minimum of guesswork on your customers' part because what you are is pretty obvious.

Text-based logos consist mainly of appropriately styled and colored letters; however, they do not preclude inclusion of enhancing elements on the design. What distinguishes text-based logo designs from others is the focus on the letters themselves. The company brand is being built around the name of the company.

The most common practice is to make the company name the main logo design element. However, you should only use the text-based logo if your company name or your business name clearly tells people what you are and what services you offer (e.g. Max U-Haul; Absolute Advertising, etc.). The text logo is also appropriate for companies who are quite short on budget as they are the least expensive to procure. Moreover, text-based logo designs suit companies whose company name they want to become a household name.

Short and Simple: Initials Logo

If your company name is too long or if yours is a parent company with lots of subsidiaries, the initials of your company name may be the best logo design for you. For instance, if your company is "Excellent Advertising Guaranteed Company" you may want to make your logo EAG which is shorter and thus easier to remember. However, use it only if you have enough advertising power to make people understand what the initial stands for.

Possessive and Proprietary: Brand Mark Logo

Think about the big "G" and you'll immediately think about "Google." Google's logo is an example of a very effective brand mark logo design. This brand mark is something very proprietary and possessive. This mark has extensively and pervasively been known as Google's symbol. Inspiring though Google's precedent is, a brand mark by itself will not do you much good.

A brand-mark based logo is something that you should only use if you have very effectively converted your business concept into an outstanding and impressive brand mark. Moreover, it is only going to work if you are to push through with an extensive marketing campaign that would repeatedly send the message to people that the brand mark on your logo symbolizes your company.

Say and Show: Icon-Based Logo

The icon-based logo is combination text and graphic (the brand symbol). This is the most effective logo design to use if you want people to remember your name and your symbol in one go.

Use an icon-based logo if you want your company to become a household name and if you want to build your brand based on your brand-mark. For instance, if you have a special line of products, you can use your brand-mark for your product line, but on all your official communications and advertising campaigns, reinforce the public's awareness about the relationship between your company and that brand mark.


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